Example meeting types
- Journal Clubs
- Grand Rounds
- Multi-disciplinary team meetings (MTD)
- Faculty meetings
- Editorial meetings
- Legal briefings
- Case studies
- Handover meetings
- Workgroups
- Review groups
- Committees (please see below for more information on Committee Meetings)
Committee Meetings:
Credits for activities related to Committee Meetings can be claimed under the Internal category. However, a doctor’s PCS activity must be balanced and mirror their day-to-day practice and activity and reflect their scope of practice across all Domains of Good Professional Practice. Participation on committees is eligible for Internal CPD credits to a maximum of 5 credits each year. There must be a patient safety element to the remit of the committee.
Example Courses:
- Training, assessment or re-assessment of practical and other skills carried out at work such as:
- Accreditation or re-accreditation courses for Life Saving/Resuscitation
- Anti-microbial stewardship
- Safe prescribing
- Hand hygiene
- Manual handling
Example Online Educational Activities
- HSELand.ie/HSALearning.ie, (online training provided by your employer)
- Online courses with topics that relate to your practice in the workplace
Evidence of your participation is required. See: Evidence for Internal CPD and Example Template for Internal CPD
Useful information:
Forum of Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies - Verification of Internal CPD