- Log in to your ePortfolio
- Click on “Reports”
PC or laptop:
Phone or tablet: |
Choose the report you wish to download
There may be a lot of reports available to you if you have more than one role (e.g. Trainer, Past or Current Trainee). There is an option at the top of the screen to filter for the report(s) you want to find
Filter for a specific year
You can filter for a specific year by typing it in the search box
On your PC or Laptop click “Run” (appears under the name of the report
On your mobile device, click “Actions”
Download your report
You can download the report as a .PDF or a .CSV file. We recommend you choose the .CSV file type as the number of columns in some reports mean your information will not display well in a .PDF file
Tips after download:
If you wish to remove the date stamp from the start and end date of your records you can find instructions on this page : How to remove TimeStamp in Excel
If you have a high number of CPD entries we recommend that you download the file in the .csv format and use the Excel pivot table option to provide a summary of your entries.
You can find instructions on how to create a pivot table here: Microsoft: Excel Help & Training PivotTables