placeholder - this will need to be expanded /edited as and when we know more
Evidence Type | |
Single Occurrence of Activity: Letter, Memo or Attendance certificate for an individual activity, on organising institution headed paper. The certificate has your name pre-printed and gives the date and title of the activity. The date falls within the relevant Professional Competence year (e.g. between 1 May and 30 April) | Ideal |
Multiple Occurrence of Activity: Letter, Memo or Attendance certificate listing a number of activities over a period of time, on organising institution headed paper. The document has your name pre- printed and title of the activity (ies). The dates fall within the relevant Professional Competence year (e.g. between 1 May and 30 April) | Ideal |
Sheets | |
Sign-in sheet with organisers contact details, date and title of the activity with other names covered | Acceptable |
Sign-in sheet which displays names other than your own | Not acceptable Data protection issue |
Lists and Schedules | |
List of meetings on organising institution headed paper showing dates and titles with signature or stamp confirming your attendance | Acceptable |
List of meetings or schedule of meetings without confirmation of your attendance does not demonstrate participation in an activity. | Not acceptable |
Other types of evidence | |
BLS, ACLS, PALS, ALSO or similar certification/re-certification card | Ideal |
Agenda, invitation, programme or schedule of activities only indicate an intention to attend. | Not acceptable |
Minutes or meeting notes – this type of document may contain confidential information and we strongly recommend that you avoid using this type of document as evidence | Not acceptable Data protection issue |
For the first-time preparation and delivery of a presentation or lecture or substantial revision at a later date: | |
Letter, Memo or Attendance certificate for an individual activity, on organising institution-headed paper acknowledging your contribution
| Ideal |
List of meetings or schedule of meetings/classes/lectures on organiser/institution headed paper with stamped or signed with confirmation of your contribution
| Ideal |
List of meetings or schedule of meetings/classes/lectures without confirmation of your attendance does not demonstrate participation in an activity. | Not acceptable |
A Powerpoint presentation does not confirm that the related activity took place for that you participated. | Not recommended |
Training/Teaching/Examining | |
RCPI Training/Examining Accredited RCPI Trainer, or Examiner for RCPI Examinations | Evidence is not required for RCPI Training or Examining because we can verify your participation in-house
Postgraduate Training/Examining for other institutions Because w e do not have access to records from other Institutions you should secure a letter, memo or attendance certificate from the organising institution acknowledging your contribution.
| Ideal |
Undergraduate Training/Examining Letter, Memo or Attendance certificate for an individual activity, on organising institution-headed paper acknowledging your contribution. You must also add reflective notes describing the learning benefit you gained from these interactions
| Ideal |
Tips for adding documents to your ePortfolio | |
Filenames | To avoid problems with uploading documents to your ePortfolio, filenames should be short, and should only contain alphanumeric characters. For example, “Multidisciplinary Team Meeting 22 November 2025” could be saved as ”MTD 22 11 25” |
PDF (Portable Document Format) is generally a smaller size document and is easily opened for review on the majority of devices
Ideal | |
Photographs | As the necessary detail may not be visible in a photograph of a poster, it is important to check that all details confirming your participation in the activity on the related date are easy to read
Not recommended |
PowerPoint files | A PowerPoint presentation does not confirm that the related activity took place or that you participated
Not recommended |
Saved emails | Saved email file formats are not universally compatible on all devices. If your profile is reviewed during the Annual Verification Process, the reviewer may not be able to open the file
Not recommended |
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