• If you are on the Specialist Division of the Medical Council Register, simply choose a Scheme appropriate to your Registered Specialty
  • If you have recently completed Higher Specialist Training and are waiting for your Medical Council Registration to be updated to Specialist, you should temporarily enrol on a General Division Scheme.  When your Registration is updated, we will transfer you to the appropriate scheme
  • If your Registered Specialty is not listed below, you should contact the Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Body that has responsibility for your specialty.
  • You only need to enrol on one Scheme, even if you have multiple registered specialties.

Faculty of Occupational Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

You must have Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration in Occupational Medicine

Apply to enrol on the Faculty of Occupational Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

Faculty of Paediatrics Specialist Division Scheme

You must have Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration in Paediatrics or Paediatric Cardiology

Apply to enrol on the Faculty of Paediatrics Specialist Division Scheme

Faculty of Pathology Specialist Division Scheme

You must have  Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration in any one of the following:

  • Chemical Pathology
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Haematology
  • Histopathology
  • Immunology
  • Neuropathology

Apply to enrol on the Faculty of Pathology Specialist Division Scheme

Faculty of Public Health Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

You must have Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration in Public Health Medicine

Apply to enrol on the Faculty of Public Health Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

Institute of Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

You must have Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration in any one of the following:

  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Genetics
  • Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Dermatology
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
  • Gastroenterology
  • General (Internal) Medicine
  • Genitourinary Medicine
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Medical Oncology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Medicine
  • Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Rheumatology

Apply to enrol on the Institute of Medicine Specialist Division Scheme

Institute of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Specialist Division Scheme

You must have Irish Medical Council Specialist Registration Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Apply to enrol on the Institute of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Specialist Division Scheme