When can I apply for my BST Certificate?
In order to be awarded a Certificate of Completion of Basic Specialist Training, you will need to ensure that you:
• Successfully complete 24 months in training posts
• Achieve all outcomes as set out in the curriculum
• Attend all relevant study days
• Attend all mandatory courses
• Maintain an up-to-date and correctly completed Kaizen/ePortfolio as evidence of satisfactory completion of training
• Attend and have annual evaluations signed off
• Complete the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (GIM/General Paediatrics/Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
When you have come to the end of your BST training and you have completed all outstanding requirements of the training curriculum, and have your ePortfolio up to date, you are ready to apply for your BST Certificate. Please contact your Coordinator with your RCPI ID to apply for your certificate. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and let them know which training hub you were based at.
Please refer to the Training Guide for your specialty for further information on completing BST.
What documentation do I need in order to get my BST Certificate?
You will need to ensure your ePortfolio is complete and all relevant items have been signed off by your Trainers. Please pay special attention to the Quarterly/End of Post Assessment Forms, Mandatory Courses, Membership Exams (except BST Histopathology) and any forms requiring Trainer sign off (DOPS/CBDs/etc).
Who should I contact to apply for my BST Certificate?
When you are ready to apply for your BST Certificate, please contact your Coordinator with your RCPI ID. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and be sure to include your training hub.
I can no longer access my ePortfolio, what should I do?
If your rotation has timed out and you can no longer access your ePortfolio to create forms, please contact your Coordinator who will be able to re-open the rotation for you for a limited time so you can complete outstanding forms. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and include your training hub.
I need to add forms to a previous rotation on my ePortfolio, what should I do?
If your rotation has timed out and you can no longer access your ePortfolio to create forms, please contact your Coordinator who will be able to re-open the rotation for you for a limited time so you can complete outstanding forms. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and include your training hub.
My Trainer has not signed off for my rotation, what should I do?
If your trainer has not signed off for a rotation, please contact your trainer with a reminder. Should the rotation remain not signed off, please contact your Training Lead or Regional Programme Director for assistance. If you don't know who is your Training Lead/Regional Programme Director then contact your Coordinator with your RCPI ID for this information. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and include details of the rotation in question.
I am having difficulty getting a previous Trainer to sign off on my ePortfolio, what should I do?
If you have contacted your previous trainer with reminders, and are still having difficulty getting signed off for your previous rotation, please contact your Training Lead or Regional Programme Director for assistance. If you don't know who is your Training Lead/Regional Programme Director then contact your Coordinator with your RCPI ID for this information. If you don't know who is your Coordinator contact [email protected] and include details of the rotation in question.
I am missing a Mandatory Course, what should I do?
If you are missing a mandatory course, please contact [email protected] requesting allocation to the next available place on the mandatory course which has yet to be completed. Please include your RCPI ID in your email.
I am currently in my final year of BST training and wish to apply for HST, can I apply for HST before I have my BST Certificate?
Yes. If you are in good standing in your Year 2 of BST and due to complete in July with no extra time added, then you will be able to apply for HST. Please note, you will still need to apply for your BST Certificate when you come to the end of your BST programme and will need to meet all requirements for certification in order to progress on a HST programme.
Can I apply to HST if I already completed BST but do not have my BST Certificate?
Anyone applying to HSE who has complete BST Training must have their BST Certificate at the time of application to HST.
Can I apply to HST if I have yet to complete the MRCPI Part II clinical?
Applicants who are currently in Year 2 of BST and have yet to complete MRCPI Part II Clinical may apply to the HST programme. However, all BST Year 2 applicants are required to have passed all parts of the MRCPI by the time of interview (ie January) to be considered for HST. Please note this only applies to applicants currently in Year 2 of BST. All other applicants must be certified at the time of application to HST.
I have lost my BST cert. How do I have my BST cert reissued?
If you no longer have access to a digital or hard copy of your BST cert, please contact [email protected] with your RCPI ID and details of when your BST Cert was first issued.