As part of our service, whenever you complete your RCPI learning activity in Brightspace, we add that activity to your ePortfolio for Professional Competence.  This is done on a monthly basis. The only thing you need to do is assign the Domain(s)  of Good Professional Practice you feel best matches the activity.  You should assign at least one Domain to each activity, you can assign up to three.

To do this, after your activity has been uploaded, you simply need to edit the new form in your ePortfolio. 

How to edit an existing form in Kaizen 

When you have the form open, scroll to the end of the form, click on the small arrow in the form field to select the Domain you wish to assign.  You only need to choose the Domains of Good Professional Practice field, Domain 2 and Domain 3 are optional. 


Automatic recording of RCPI Courses and Events

Domains of Good Professional Practice

How to edit an existing form in Kaizen