The Professional Competence year runs from 1 May to 30 April.  During this 12-month period, you must:

  • Be enrolled on a Professional Competence Scheme and record your ongoing Professional Competence activities in your ePortfolio for Professional Competence [link to CPD valet when that is live]

  • Engage in and record a minimum 50 hoursof CPD activity annually, made up as follows:
    • Planning CPD – minimum 5 CPD credits per year
    • Practice Review/Work-based learning – minimum of 25 CPD credits per year
    • Accredited Continuing Education – minimum 20 CPD credits per year
    • Assign all eight Domains of Good Professional Practice at least once in every 3 years

Related articles:

Annual Requirements

What constitutes Engaged in the Practice of Medicine?

I am engaged in the practice of medicine, what must I do every year?

What are the 8 Domains of Good Professional Practice?

My type of practice has changed, what do I do?

If you are unable to meet Professional Competence requirements, you should consider voluntary withdrawal from the register.