Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is how doctors update their knowledge and skills throughout their working lives. This includes all elements of good medical practice - clinical and non-clinical.

Guide: Verification of Internal CPD
Developed by the Forum of Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies
Wed, 6 Jul, 2022 at 12:21 PM
Can I claim credit for acting as an Examiner?
You can claim 5 CPD credits per examination sitting in the Research or Teaching Category for postgraduate examinations such as MRCPI. Examiners: flat r...
Thu, 27 Oct, 2022 at 9:16 AM
PCS Missed Deadline
Dear Dr    Thank you for your email.   There has been numerous reminders that 13 May 2024 midday was the lock out date and to try record as soon as poss...
Tue, 14 May, 2024 at 1:46 PM