How to apply for CPD Approval for your educational activity

What you need to know before you submit your application

Am I ready to apply?
Before you start, be sure to read the RCPI Guide to CPD Approval Email your completed Application Form and Medical Organiser Declaration to us at profe...
Fri, 1 Jul, 2022 at 12:34 PM
What must I include with my application?
Completed application form   Medical Organiser Declaration: Signed by a doctor who holds Specialist Registration with the Irish Medical Council -see Wha...
Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 at 11:45 AM
Complete an application form for CPD approval (required)
Download the attached application form and complete all sections. You must also: Include a Medial Organiser Declaration (Required) Download and com...
Wed, 29 May, 2024 at 10:48 AM
Include a Medical Organiser Declaration (Required)
Your Medical Organiser must complete this form, and you must include it with your application
Fri, 1 Jul, 2022 at 11:37 AM
Download and complete a Remittance Advice Form for your CPD assessment fee
Important.  Please contact for an Application Reference Number before you submit this form. You can use the "New Supp...
Thu, 2 May, 2024 at 9:56 AM
How to pay the assessment fee for CPD Approval
We cannot begin to process your application without first receiving the assessment fee.   Before you submit any payment, you must request an application...
Fri, 1 Jul, 2022 at 11:48 AM
Download sample learner feedback form
You must provide an example of the learner feedback form that will be provided to participants  If an online form is used, a screenshot, the url, and re...
Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 at 10:32 AM