Understanding Professional Competence

What is Professional Competence?
Professional Competence is a formal way of recording your lifelong learning as a doctor and highlighting your dedication to developing and maintaining key ...
Tue, 5 Jul, 2022 at 11:45 AM
What must I do to meet Professional Competence requirements?
Remember that the Professional Competence year runs from 01 May to 30 April, and any claims must be for activities that took place within that period.  ...
Fri, 7 Jun, 2024 at 12:34 PM
I am enrolled on a Professional Competence scheme, what's next?
Here are the six things you need to do to meet your Professional Competence requirements 1     Plan your activities for the year 2     Conduct an Audit...
Wed, 6 Jul, 2022 at 11:51 AM
What PCS information will the Medical Council ask about?
As you are aware, it is a legal requirement to fulfil the Medical Council Maintenance of Professional Competence requirements each year. When you are compl...
Tue, 5 Jul, 2022 at 11:30 AM
I am new to medical practice in Ireland, what do I need to know?
Safe Start was developed by the Medical Council of Ireland to help doctors who are new to Ireland. It will help you understand the general requirements whe...
Tue, 5 Jul, 2022 at 10:34 AM
Understanding Professional Competence booklet
Download our brochure 
Mon, 4 Jul, 2022 at 1:14 PM
What are the 8 Domains of Good Professional Practice?
The Medical Council’s eight Domains of Good Professional Practice set out the principles on which good practice is founded.    Patient Safety and Quality...
Tue, 10 Oct, 2023 at 11:36 AM
Your key responsibilities regarding Professional Competence
Key Responsibilities for Registrants, Training Bodies and Employers describes your responsibility as an employer to facilitate your doctors in maintainin...
Tue, 5 Jul, 2022 at 10:36 AM
Reflection for Professional Competence
What is reflection?    Reflective practice is the process of thinking analytically about a clinical/practice situation or educational activity relevant to...
Fri, 24 Mar, 2023 at 11:36 AM